(GALPONET) Is a registered Not for profit and Non political organization, who solely believe in the Police and their primary aim of protecting lives and properties and also enforcement of the law.
GALPONET is fully committed and concerned in the welfare of the Police officers and their families. We are also engaged to support the Police in the fight against crimes and control.
You can join us to in making our society a better place.
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To assist and strengthen the Police through necessary welfare support and also bridging the gap between the Police and the general public, towards creating an enabling atmosphere for enhanced community Policing.
The Vision of the organization is to see that the Police are loved and appreciated, hence making the slogan “POLICE IS OUR FRIEND” a reality, by the grace of the Almighty God.
GALPONET is a global Network of the lovers of Police and their primary assignments. Solely made for people of integrity and morally disciplined.